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11 November 2014

Precarious Elements on Road

When we are out on road, we come across various kind of dangers that can hurt any of us there. We can at least save our self by spotting a threat well in time, we should drive cautiously to eliminate these threats . Following the traffic rules is an easy & simple way to be safe but we can only expect this from others to follow it as well.

There are few elements which can cause accidents on roads and they can’t be brought under law for protection as it happened suddenly. While driving on road we need to be aware of these potential threats;


Women are the most dangerous entity on roads. Whither on driving seat or crossing by foot they are extremely unpredictable. Never trust women when you are passing by stay focus and keep your speed under control for any unexpected thing. 

When they are driving, they may ignore any simple traffic rules; take a sudden turn without using indicator etc. while on foot they might put their head down and start walking on the road to cross it, totally ignoring how far and how fast the approaching vehicle is leaving nothing for the driver but hope.


Kids are so innocent we can’t blame them but they also cause accidents on road. Not fully mature minded they can’t sight an incoming threat and put themselves in danger. 

Never ignore any kid walking, standing, or playing alongside the road. They can get excited by any unknown reason and could start running on the road. Passing through on a road where kids are in close proximity you must make it sure you can control your vehicle in time. 

Slow Moving Vehicle

“In almost every road accident there is one slow moving object involve” 

If we examine random accidents we will find out that these accidents were occurred due to a speedy vehicle have a collision with slow moving vehicle. Right away we have in mind that speedy vehicle were the main cause of these accidents. But not every time, you know that in many cases driving within allowed speed another low speed vehicle came right in front of it all of a sudden and  accident occurs because it couldn't clear way for higher speed vehicle in time.  

Keeping it simple, if there are two moving vehicle. One is going 60 km/h and other 20km/h. which one of these will be in better position to take U-turn or  90 degree turn, clearly vehicle with lower speed as vehicle in higher speed cannot take sudden and sharp turn safely.  So whenever you overtaking a vehicle moving too slow on a road where speed limit is higher. Pay attention you never know what that person on driving seat is looking for. He might be searching for approaching turns and may not aware of your vehicle presence and momentum.

Inactive Vehicle 

Another thing which can cause an accident is those vehicle parked on road side. If you are overtaking, keep full attention to these vehicles as anyone or anything can appear behind or from it right in front of you. Leaving not enough time for you to control & avoid any collision.  

Some time driver in those vehicles (especially with turned wheels toward active lane of the road) hastily drives forward (inward) on road. This sudden move can block enough part of the lane restricting your way to pass through. If you pull emergency break or sudden turn to avoid collision you might hit something else of someone can crash into you coming from behind.

Public Transport 

Public transport especially taxi & vans not working under proper transport system are another major thing you need to be careful. Countries where traffic laws are not strictly applied these drivers ignore even basic rules of road safety. 

Greedy drivers can’t stop for earning more and more in a day. Let them through first; consider as if it is their privilege to be treated like that.  It will be very precise if we say "there are no rules and ethics for public transport" so never trust them this way.


There is no law that can prevent your innermost desire to do something stupid on road. You are the most dangerous person on road if you have harmful agenda. 

Keep yourself within legal ethic & moral laws. Time never remain same, any unwanted situation that you might going through will neither be the same. So never do anything terrible which may cause your suffering or someone else for entire life. 

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